tisdag 25 juni 2013

The soul of Margaret Thatcher presented to the world the 666

The soul of Margaret Thatcher presented to the world the 666

"Let me introduce you:

"Your future great world leader

"The 666

"With all of you can really help and make
A true world of justice and Paradise on Earth!

"The 666 name is Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez
(Literary pseudonym "Michel Smiely 666",

Writer and Swedish citizen and European Union citizen).

-Candidate for the Presidency of the European Union
with Project 666  To build a paradise on earth."

(Words of the soul of Margaret Thatcher in her incredible mystical speech that will be posted soon on our unique website www.the666.com presented to the world its historic repentance mystic and the 666 as the unparalleled and future world political leader, to help prevent  the self-destruction of mankind and build a paradise on Earth with the new economic 666).

Click on this link to read the full story  www.the666.com/eng356.htm

See the Video: 666 is (Es) Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock published in youtube.com at


See also the video 666 presents mystical repentance of Margaret Thatcher -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock published in youtube.com at


! Keep you informed!

Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666.
(Friday, 10 May 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. 15:35 GMT)

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