666 Which is not any "Antichrist" offers now from its 666blogg to all men, women, peoples and Nations of the world, the opportunity to power help prevent self-destruction of mankind and build a paradise on Earth to support the just struggle of the 666 already existing in the world.
tisdag 25 juni 2013
Vote for the 666 in the 2014 European Parliament elections!
Vote for the 666 in the 2014 European Parliament elections!
See the Video: Vote for the 666 in the 2014 European Parliament elections -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
The Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 announces to the world on this date of Thursday May 16, 2013:
The beginning of the historic political campaign of 666 to win in Sweden European Parliament elections to be heldon the dates of 22 to 25 May 2014 next year in the European Union.
It is necessary to remember about the 666 in order to be registered in the electoral political system of the European Union with its heroic
political struggle to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth:
The 666 participated in elections to the European Parliament in 2004 and 2009 without having any chance to win in any of these two elections.
The situation now existing in the European Union and the world is different with the economic collapse, political and moral development of global capitalism that this looting and destroying even the existence of society and the welfare state in the European Union itself, also plunging into the worst poverty, unemployment, poverty and hunger to all peoples and nations of the European Union with its unacceptable world of injustice.
That's why the 666 will be able to win this third participation now does, the next European Parliament elections to be held on the dates of 22 to 25 next May 2014 elections will permitiral to take his historic 666 seat number 666 in Parliament European has always idle, until the historic fulfillment of biblical prophecies about the appearance of the existing 666 already in the world.
You can help now 666 wins the historic European Parliament elections next year 2014 and also built with its new economic system 666:
A new European Union Super state or New World Western Roman Empire with the 666 president, will represent and defend forever to all peoples and nations of the European Union and the world and never known to unacceptable and unjust world of billionaires, banks and markets.
From any countries of the European Union Please use your own computer and send your economical support to 666 to:
a. The 666 Euro Bank Account number is: NDEASESS - IBAN SE95 3000 0000 0417 1176 1954 (in the Swedish Nordea Banken)
Please send your economical support to 666 as follow:
666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez)
Nordea Banken
IBAN SE95 3000 0000 0417 1176 1954
Stockholm, Sweden. (Estocolmo, Suecia)
Keep you informed!
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666
(Wednesday May 16, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. -12:31 GMT)
The soul of Margaret Thatcher presented to the world the 666
The soul of Margaret Thatcher presented to the world the 666
"Let me introduce you:
"Your future great world leader
"The 666
"With all of you can really help and make
A true world of justice and Paradise on Earth!
"The 666 name is Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez
(Literary pseudonym "Michel Smiely 666",
Writer and Swedish citizen and European Union citizen).
-Candidate for the Presidency of the European Union
with Project 666 To build a paradise on earth."
(Words of the soul of Margaret Thatcher in her incredible mystical speech that will be posted soon on our unique website www.the666.com presented to the world its historic repentance mystic and the 666 as the unparalleled and future world political leader, to help prevent the self-destruction of mankind and build a paradise on Earth with the new economic 666).
Click on this link to read the full story www.the666.com/eng356.htm
See the Video: 666 is (Es) Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock published in youtube.com at
See also the video 666 presents mystical repentance of Margaret Thatcher -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock published in youtube.com at
! Keep you informed!
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666.
(Friday, 10 May 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. 15:35 GMT)
China will do his historic alliance with the 666 to help build a paradise on Earth!
China will do his historic alliance with the 666 to help build a paradise on Earth!
The Republic of China is very seriously considering the realization of of the biblically predicted and maligned alliance of China with 666, to help save the building and existence of socialism in China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.
See: www.the666.com/eng370.htm
That is why it is now only a matter of time until China agrees to make a historic alliance with a 666 existing in the world that offers China:
Join a great ally of the future European Union Super state or New World Western Roman Empire is going to have the president 666 and the 666 offers also to China:
Help ensure the new economic system 666:
The safety, happiness and progress of the Chinese people, the territorial unity of China and the successful development and existence of China:
As a great country and nation in the world in the service and defense of the Chinese people and the best interests of humanity, helping to build a real world of justice and paradise on earth with 666 already existing in the world.
As for China and President Xi Jinping relates these are the only two alternative they have:
OK now the President of China Xi Jinping the realization of the biblically predicted China's historical alliance with 666 to ensure the construction of socialism and the existence of China as a great country and nation in the world:
Serving and defending the best interests of the Chinese people and mankind, helping the 666 to build a true world of justice and paradise on earth with the new economic system 666.
Reject now the new President of China Xi Jinping the historical proposition alliance of 666 with the future and unavoidable harmful consequences for the Republic of China that will eventually perish self-destroyed, in the same way they killed the former Union of Socialist Republics Soviet (USSR), a victim
of his own disabilities and internal corruption.
Necessary is to point out in this regard that China will also be divided into 10 0 15 new capitalist countries that are going to emerge from their present peoples, nations and internal autonomous regions, when they are under the control of the new billionaires, Chinese mandarins will not never allow that the Communist Party Chinese take control and China's Government, much less go to accept the existence of a socialist system in China.
Fortunately for the dear comrade Chinese President Xi Jinping, in fulfillment of biblical prophecies about the appearance of 666 already existing in the world:
With the realization of the historic alliance of China with 666 guaranteed the successful construction of socialism in China and the existence of the Republic of China as a great country and nation in the world to serve and defend the best interests of the Chinese people and mankind, and not the
unacceptable world of injustice of the billionaires, banks and markets.
See the historical proposition of Alliance of the 666 to China at www.the666.com/engeng218.htm
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of the Project 666
(Sunday, June 9, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. -04:30 GMT)
måndag 24 juni 2013
The 666 Banks Accounts
All men and women of the world can now send economic support to 666 in euro or dollars to the following bank accounts:
1. All men and women living in the European Union may send economic support to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) to the following bank account of 666 Euro
in Sweden:
Nordea Banken account number:
NDEASESS IBAN SE95 3000 0000 0417 1176 1954
2. All men and women living in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Arab countries, in Asia and in Latin America, economic support can be sent
to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) to the following bank account of 666 dollars in Sweden:
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, account number:
SE60 5000 0000 0593 6827 8148 BIC: ESSESESS
3. All men and women living in Sweden can be sent to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) economic support to:
Nordea Banken
PLUSGIROKONTO Nummer 165 99 48-2
You all have so now the last word on the matter, supporting the necessary and just struggle of the existing 666 already in the world.
And remember; Don't let never 666 to build a paradise on Earth without you!
( See Humanity can now build A paradise on earth With 666 at www.the666.com/372 )
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666
(Sunday June 10, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. -05:18 GMT)
And welcome to help change the world and build a paradise on earth with 666!
It's now or never help the 666 to save humanity!
If you want to now save your life, work, economic security and happiness:
to support the 666 existing now in the world !
To help avoid self-destruction of humanity with their worlds unacceptable injustices, and build a paradise on earth with the new economic system 666.
Don't let never 666 to build a paradise on Earth without you!
(Click on this link ro read the full story www.the666.com )
See also the video Video: Support an EU Super State with 666 President -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock published in youtube.com at
The Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 warns you all "Internet citizens" around the world:
Men, women, races, peoples and Nations all that if you Internet users, the European Union and the world visit and read the message of struggle We publish in this successful website belonging to the existing 666 www.the666.com already in the world:
If you all do not take the decision to support the necessary and just struggle of 666 to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth:
Unfortunately then you all deserve to live and have the unacceptable world of injustice and unemployment hell unmatched, poverty, hunger and social injustice imposed on them and now require all of you to live the billionaires, banks and markets:
With the assurance that all of you will also inevitably end up being destroyed by this unsustainable, corrupt and evil world injustices and super-riches only 1% of the population of humanity that characterizes the World Capitalism.
All men and women of the world can now send economic support to 666 in euro or dollars to the following bank accounts:
1. All men and women living in the European Union may send economic support to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) to the following bank account of 666 Euro
in Sweden:
Nordea Banken account number:
NDEASESS IBAN SE95 3000 0000 0417 1176 1954
2. All men and women living in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Arab countries, in Asia and in Latin America, economic support can be sent to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) to the following bank account of 666 dollars in Sweden:
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, account number:
SE60 5000 0000 0593 6827 8148 BIC: ESSESESS
3. All men and women living in Sweden can be sent to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) economic support to:
Nordea Banken
PLUSGIROKONTO Nummer 165 99 48-2
You all have so now the last word on the matter, supporting the necessary and just struggle of the existing 666 already in the world.
And remember; Don't let never 666 to build a paradise on Earth without you!
( See Humanity can now build A paradise on earth With 666 at www.the666.com/372 )
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666
(Sunday June 10, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. -05:18 GMT)
The 666 announces to the world the inevitable Israeli attack on Iran and explains the failure of Israel to win a war against Iran without the help of 666.
The inevitable attack Israel to Iran this doomed without the help of 666!
Israel now faces the tragedy to help build their own destruction by not fulfill the wish and command of God, to recognize and accept the 666 as the greatprotector and defender of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
See the Video: The inevitable war between Israel and Iran -By 666 and Alfred Hitchcock published in youtube.com at
666 and the soul of Alfred Hitchcock presents to the world in this video; A necessary and pedagogical explanation of why it is inevitable the war betweenIsrael and Iran also explaining that:
The only way Israel will be able to defeat Iran and ensure their existence in the world is doing now biblically predicted and slandered Israel alliance with the existing 666 already in the world.
The incomparable Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 present to the world now the inevitable truth that Israel's attack on Iran is doomed to failure without the help of 666.
Introduction necessary
For you always have the unconditional support of the United States of America and have faced so far unable to fight enemies and win wars:
The great mistake of Israel is their arrogance and pride in the face now its irreconcilable and powerful Islamist religious enemies, Israel also believe that having nuclear weapons now that Iran does not have:
You can use these weapons with impunity and militarily defeating a fanatical revolution and Islamist state such as Iran to:
Ruled by ayatollahs criminals and Islamist religious fanatics now have the support of the powerful forces of Evil also exist in the universe:
Have been demonstrated so far in which occurs the historical fulfillment of biblical prophecies about the appearance of the existing 666 already in the world it is also the only man and leader who can take on and defeat the criminal truly religious fanaticism and Islamist terrorism:
Tyranny and Iran under the ayatollahs government is fully determined to "pay the price it takes" to get nuclares weapons, and try imposed after the world through a "nuclear jihad" or "Islamist nuclear holy war," not just the destruction and extermination of the Jewish people and the state of Israel but also:
To try to impose after the world with threats to commit terrorism and Islamist religious nuclear war:
The acceptance of the domain in the world of wrong and false religion Islamist their "fatwas" (religious convictions), with known intolerance and criminal and inhuman "Sharia Law" that makes the death penalty (the decapitation, the stoning and hanging) in a necessary "divine punishment":
To "crime" of blasphemy, changing religion, sexual infidelity, homosexuality and mutilation also justifies cutting arms and legs for thieves (for some examples).
Rarely has seen time in the history of mankind one Religion as intolerant, ruthless, criminal, inhumane, backward and savage as it is Now the religion of Islam with its "untouchable" and "sacred" dogmatism, fanaticism and religious interpretations:
Death sentence its criminals "fatwas" (religious convictions), intellectuals, writers, painters and cartoonists who dare to criticize the Islam.
If all this we add also the already proven fact that Islam is the religion that blesses and uses terrorism and crime as political weapons, with the equally unfortunate result also get the worst meanness is
The use of religious doctrine of Islam to unhinge the soul, consciousness and the mind of men and women making them terrorists suicide bombers who kill innocent men, women, children and elderly in the world, on behalf of a nonexistent "Allah" and God Islamist:
The liar and false promise even of all Islamist terrorists to suicide are received also after his death nothing less than in the own paradise of "Allah" where are promised that they will have eternal life and many women (for examples).
Faced with such unacceptable and horrific facts historical reality:
Rarely is now much justification then the use of force and the realization of a preemptive war to destroy and avoided sufficient advance the establishment and existence of backward societies and Islamic countries with nuclear weapons to and governed by Ayatollahs and intolerant religious fanatics:
Justified in the name of God and the establishment and defense of Islam, the realization of the worst acts of terrorism and genocide unacceptable and new holocausts against peoples, races and nations:
As we have now in the public religious Islamist threats of destruction and extermination that are made against the existence of the Jewish people and the state of Israel and with the most shameful impunity is also made?on behalf of non-existent and false God "Allah" Islamist.
Needed to clarify also that the baseness of all those acts that characterize religious now international Islamist terrorism can not get more low, to take all these threats no less than on behalf of the right of the Religion of Islam defend Western civilization and world:
The right to existence, "respect and defense" of religious freedom, non-existent in the late and horrific World Muslim to:
It is an unspeakable hell for women or what is the same, is an unacceptable hell for more than half of the Muslim population itself who are women.
We then now the aberrant situation that under the supposed defense of "respect and protection" of religious freedom:
The wrong and false religion of Islam makes the worst threats of destruction, genocide and holocausta against people and nations as the Jew:
In the Western world itself that allows the realization by the false religion of Islam as unacceptable and criminal propaganda:
It is also in all Arab countries, African and Asian controlled by the yoke of intolerant Islamist Muslim religion.
Then the existence of the possibility that fans uncontrollable religious ayatolahas nuclears-armed Muslims may perform a Nuclear WWIII is one thing that can never afford or be accepted in the world.
That's why the 666 claims now before the world's best now destroy the "untouchables" and "sacred places" and existing Muslim shrines in Mecca, Medina and all Muslim cities and countries:
And also prohibit and close their mosques in the European Union, the United States and throughout the Western world are recruiting centers Islamic terrorism:
Rather than allow the unacceptable and wrong teachings and Islamic religious indoctrination continue to be the main source of creating Islamist terrorists around the world, let alone can never accept or allow some uncontrollable and ayatollahs Islamist fanatics have Nuclear Weapons:
Ruling from which countries can threaten and blackmail the world with the realization of a nuclear terrorism and war, not to accept humanity unacceptable obey and worship the religious concepts of Islam.
Under no circusntancia should accept even the slightest possibility of the existence of justification and carrying out a war of extermination against races, peoples and nations, for religious, economic and political (for some examples).
That's why the 666 as a representative and defender of true God in the universe that is the one that ordered the 666 come now the world to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth with the new economic system now claims 666 to the world that:
God and the 666 not accepted nor will never tolerate the existence of the current threats of genocide, extermination and Holocaust against the existence of the Jewish people and the State of Israel that:
With shameful impunity do now from Muslim countries and in the name of Islam, religious ayatollahs criminals and Islamist fanatics, who in the specific case of Iran are now even developing nuclear weapons in order to carry out their threats and then also try to impose on the world the unacceptable acceptance of their religious beliefs.
We then have the belief of the ayatollahs and Islamic religious fanatics that the existence and life of more than one billion Muslims worth more than the existence and life of less than 8 million Jews living in the state of Israel, is a wrong and unacceptable religious belief, which if maintained will inevitably end with the destruction of one's Religion of Islam and the Islamic world.
For all these reasons, it is that the religion of Islam can never be accepted as a Universal Religion and world for all peoples and Nations of the Earth.
So it is also with the appearance and existence of the 666 now in the world is that it has failed to submit the necessary reforms that need not only the Muslim Religion of Islam but also, the very religion of Christianity which is also the moral, religious and philosophical of the current dominant "Western Civilization".
In a situation in which Israel faces now also the tragedy to help create its own destruction, for failing to comply the desire and the order of God recognize and accept 666 as the great protector and defender of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
It is necessary to remind the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and the state of Israel can not continue "Ignoring" and "wiping the backside":
With the desire and the order of God himself, Jehovah that through the historical mystic message of the prophet Elijah's November 14 2011, has asked to recognize and accept the 666 as the protector and defender of the Jewish people and the state of Israel now worldwide.
See "The historic mystic message of God and the prophet Elijah to Israel, from November 14, 2011, communicates to Israel the request of God to recognize and accept the 666, as the protector of Israel".
See www.the666.com/eng225.htm
It is necessary to mention now the historic 666 words of the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu:
"As you well know, the Jewish people and the state of Israel is the only country in the world whose existence and history has always been linked, from its very beginnings, to their sacred and necessary relation of recognition and respect to the true God existing in the Universe.
"During its existence the Jewish people and the state of Israel when he disrespected the mandate and the laws of God, had unfortunately to suffer the worst consequences throughout the course of its history:
"Slavery (with the empires of Egypt and Babylon), destruction (with the Roman Empire), dispersion around the world (when it was destroyed the state of Israel), and genocide and holocaust (when Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate the Jewish people).
"In a situation in which fortunately is not necessary for me, the 666 now existing in the world, have to teach Jewish history and religious to you, my dear Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, then we can now begin to address publicly before the world and without hypocrisy or lies:
"The historical situation that forces to you now as prime minister of Israel, who has the responsibility to help defend and provided the security and existence of the Jewish people and the state of Israel, is now having to admit to the world for the next date of December 18 of this historical year 2011, to me, a Swedish citizen Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez, not only as 666 now existing in the world but also:
"As the protector of the Jewish people for having chosen well, the true God existing in the universe that
"Ordered to the soul of the prophet Elijah, showing up at my altar mystical surrender to me, the 666, the historic message and God's command that Israel must recognize and accept now to:
"A 666 is falsely accused and predicted in Bible prophecy as an alleged "Antichrist", "Satan" and "reincarnated Devil" (to quote examples):
"As the protector of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
Quote 666 words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the historic letter entitled " The unexpected, necessary and 666 historic ultimatum to Israel" dated November 23, 2011, 666 in which Israel asks God's bidding to recognize and accept the 666 as the protector and defender of Jewish people and the state of Israel. See www.the666.com/eng225.htm
Now let's see the new Charter that the 666 you send on this date of Thursday, June 20, 2013 to that same Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who believes that because Israel has nuclear weapons:
You can perform with your Government a successful military campaign and war against Iran to destroy its nuclear facilities, and also continue wiping the backside with the order of God recognize and accept 666 as the protector and defender of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
(Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez, writer literary pseudonym "Michel Smiely 666")
-Candidate for the presidency of the European Union with the Project 666
to build a paradise on earth.
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666.
(Wednesday June 20, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. (13:30 GMT)
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