måndag 24 juni 2013

The 666 Banks Accounts

All men and women of the world can now send economic support to 666 in euro or dollars to the following bank accounts:

1. All men and women living in the European Union may send economic support to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) to the following bank account of 666 Euro
in Sweden:

Nordea Banken account number:
NDEASESS IBAN SE95 3000 0000 0417 1176 1954

2. All men and women living in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Arab countries, in Asia and in Latin America, economic support can be sent
to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) to the following bank account of 666 dollars in Sweden:

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, account number:
SE60 5000 0000 0593 6827 8148 BIC: ESSESESS

3. All men and women living in Sweden can be sent to 666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) economic support to:

Nordea Banken
PLUSGIROKONTO Nummer 165 99 48-2

You all have so now the last word on the matter, supporting the necessary and just struggle of the existing 666 already in the world.

And remember; Don't let never 666 to build a paradise on Earth without you!

( See Humanity can now build A paradise on earth With 666  at www.the666.com/372  )

Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences  of  Project 666
(Sunday June 10, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. -05:18 GMT)

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